Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hillary: The Uniter

The 2000 and 2004 presidential elections contributed to some fairly severe political division in my family.

Not 2008! We're United again and we have Hillary Clinton to thank for it.

  • Me, the sort of libertarian, won't consider voting for her.
  • My dear husband, the union Democrat, won't consider voting for her.
  • My sister, Kos minion and paranoid, won't consider voting for her.
  • My brother, socialist and/or classic liberal depending on his mood, won't consider voting for her.
Thank you, Hillary!


Vote For Hillary Online said...

One thing that's good about her is that she's not stuck in party-line ideologies that confine her to a specific policy. She's able to negotiate and compromise with those who disagree, while everyone else wants to move the country one way or the other.

Vote For Hillary Online

Donna B. said...

whoa... I quote from Vote for Hillary Online:

"We were going to list her positions on this website, but because of how quickly her positions change on each issue, we simply don't have the staff to be able to keep up with all the updates."

AuntyPatience said...

I am *not* paranoid. I just know black helicopters when I hear 'em. ;)

Unknown said...

Dear Ms. Opining:


1. Your brother is not a socialist; he is more like the continuance of G.B. Shaw and H.H Humphrey. Egalitarian perhaps, except for those French Revolution guys.

2. Your brother will vote gleefully for Hilary if she is the nominee, or any other, vs. Anything or anybody associated with Huckabee, Romney, or Rudy. He remembers 1968, when he almost did not vote for the aforesaid Hubert because of the war. He remembered that the maxim "lesser of two evils" was probably valid. This was after HHH finally divorced himself from LBJ. (Salt Lake City, September ??)

3. Your sister is not paranoid; she just thinks she is. (Stuff this good makes me wonder why Franken hasn't hired med.)


1. You go, Donna. (Where IS Lyndon Larouche these days?)