Sunday, December 30, 2007

Binge Drinking Hangovers Last and Last

The more we have binged — and the younger we have started to binge — the more we experience significant, though often subtle, effects on the brain and cognition.
As Shakespeare once pointed out without the benefit of studies on lab rats, “O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains!”
The Hangover That Lasts by Paul Steinberg, a psychiatrist, offers some realistic and possible resolutions for the New Year:
  • Stop after one or two drinks. Studies of the Mediterranean diet have shown that one or two drinks on a consistent basis leads to a longer life than pure teetotaling.
  • If you must binge, start at age 40, not at age 16... Just as youth is wasted on the young, so perhaps is alcohol.
  • If you have binged excessively when younger, follow it up with some regular exercise. Get those brain cells regenerated.


Mad William Flint said...

"Stop after one or two" that's so cute :p

Donna B. said...

But you've never seen my wine glasses, have you?

Anonymous said...

Regular exercise? After binging? unlikely...???

Donna B. said...

In the article it said something about binge-drinking alcoholics could learn, but couldn't relearn. I guess they're sot in their ways.

Anonymous said...

I think it was Nixon that caused me to drink too much, and if that wasn't it, then it was Reagan. Then the 2 Georges. Maybe the flight attendant that got away.

If we could just elect Eisenhower, things would be proper.